
Six Months...time for an update!

Indeed it is now six months that I have been in Tanzania! Time is swiftly moving and my last reflection shares where my thoughts have been over these past few months: on relationships in community life. Living in community has been by far the most challenging part of this experience so far, and from it has come many reflections on my values and my mission as a volunteer.

Right now the school is closed for June holiday for two weeks until Form II and Form IV students return for additional classes. Form II and Form IV take the national exams later this year and it is these scores that determine whether they can advance or not, so many schools require these students to follow a strict schedule to prepare them for the exams. The school will open for Form I and Form III students in early July. During my two weeks of vacation I traveled to Arusha with my community mate for a brief get-away to reflect on these last six months. I visited my host-family whom I stayed with when I was here in 2012, we walked around Arusha treating ourselves to avocado milkshakes and sushi, and hiked part of Mount Meru. We stayed at the Jesuit novitiate and were there for the ceremony welcoming the new novices into the Society of Jesus. It was a refreshing trip!

Now I am back in Dodoma catching up on emails and letters (and this blog!) before going back to school. I am looking forward to the fresh start of a new term and the chance to put some ideas into action at school and in the relationships I am building with others in my community.

Thank you for all of your continued prayers and support! Everyday I wake up filled with gratitude for being here and this opportunity to share my experience with so many others!


The past six months in pictures:

Jesuits vs. Jesuit Volunteers volleyball match at SPCHS

Form II students volunteering at a home for children with mental disabilities as part of the Community Service program

Double rainbow showering blessings over SPCHS

Celebrating International Women's Day with the young women at SPCHS

Celebrating my Birthday with my community mates from America (above) and Europe (below) at a local restaurant

Another day of community service at the same home for children with disabilities. 

Our community having a sweet treat at Dodoma's best ice cream shop.

A view of Arusha from Mt. Meru

Victoria and I hiked part of Mt. Meru during June holiday

No fewer than 200 chicks made their home with the Jesuits mid-April.  These little ones will help to provide eggs and meat for the students at SPCHS.

The neighbor girls love coming over to play games and teach us Kiswahili.

Jamie and I ambitiously climbed to harvest the fruit of our pomegranate tree

Julius came for a final meal before going to the Jesuit novitiate where he will be for two years in training to become a Jesuit! 
The convent in Rombo near Moshi, where we spent April retreat.

The Dar es Salaam and Dodoma volunteers feasting on retreat at the Huruma Convent near Moshi.

Students dancing in the Talent Show

Students letting out some more energy after the Talent Show

Preparing liquid food for the new chicks at the Jesuit Residence in Ihumwa

The office Victoria and I share at SPCHS, filled with books waiting to be graded!

Some unexpected finds on the computer lab bookshelf in our office

Teachers piling into the Jesuits' truck for a lift to town after the bus broke down at the day's end