
Parting words


Tomorrow, this journey in Tanzania takes off! The past several months have been filled with so many blessings, of hiking adventures and nights out on the urban front with friends, of story-sharing and laughter with family, and of prayerful reflection that has calmed and centered me as I prepare me for these next two years.  Many of you have been a part of this treasured time and I am filled with gratitude for your support and encouragement that will sustain me during the joys and struggles that are to come.

A wise person once shared with me the phrase, 'This too, shall pass.'  These words echo in mind as I prepare for many unknowns while saying difficult 'goodbye, for now's, struggling to balance my excitement for all that awaits with the sadness of leaving many whom I love deeply.  This phrase reminds of the fleeting nature of time and encourages me to embrace each moment, be it darkly difficult, wholly joyful or minutely mundane.

For many months now, I have been living with a feeling of 'not yet.' Those feelings are now passing as the new adventures begin.

My flight leaves Kansas City at 12:25 pm tomorrow, (less than 24 hours away!). My first stop will be in Washington DC, next in Zurich, Switzerland, then in Nairobi, Kenya before finally landing in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania- almost 24 hours later! My fellow JVs will be awaiting the arrival of myself and the three other volunteers who are beginning their first year with JVC as well.  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we begin this journey together!
Next post shall come to you from Tanzania!!!!

Amani (peace)